Sunday, June 7, 2015

Meaningful Blog Post #1:2 Be You

First and foremost, I would like to state that I am in no way affiliated with Shelly Wright or her blog, and I do not in any way claim any of her work.


I came across this article by Shelly Wright, a high school teacher who absolutely loved her job and was very passionate about it. In this article, Shelly discusses how much joy teaching brought to her before she lost her niche. She was happy in the classroom and enjoyed the chaos of the classroom. She than took another job where she was not in the classroom and eventually became an adjunct vice principal for a window of time. You would think that she would be so happy to have made such drastic career advancements, but instead, she explains how unhappy she was. She was basically out of her element. She longed to be back in the classroom and was very unhappy with the job she was performing and even thought about leaving education, something that she used to hold so dear to her. The overall message of this meaningful posts is that we as humans, students, teachers, adults...etc, need to do what we love and what makes us the happiest. There have been so many times in my life where I have gone against my wants and needs to do something that did not make myself happy, but others happy. This in turn made me resent it, and probably others as well. At the end of the post, Shelly makes a statement that really drove this article home for me. She says "Do what you love. Be you. The world will be better for it." 

We need to remember this on our future endeavors. This article has changed my thought process, because I see how someone who once loved something so much has grown to begrudge it. I will strive to do what makes me happy, and make the world better by doing what makes me happy. 

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